Many of you may have noticed that this blog hasn't seen any activity in the past couple of years. Steve Newman, the former author, editor, and blogger extraordinaire, has not had the time to continue it, so he has regretfully relinquished his blogging duties, and I will take over. I humbly assure you that I will not do nearly as good a job as Steve did, as I'm a busy guy, too, but nevertheless I thank Steve for his past contributions to this blog, and I wish him well in his new ventures. Once we have the blog ownership transferred completely, I'll begin posting in ernest. I invite everyone reading this to contribute to the blog also! The more people who do, the more interesting it becomes. Write your blog contributions to me at gls (at) glieberman dot com.
Steve Katz, Partner
Activskin Legwear and Comfilon Loungewear
G. Lieberman & Sons, Ltd.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
New Life for this Blog
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Bridgette Raes | Style Guide: The Truth About Men Who Wear Pantyhose
In a follow-up to her Friday radio broadcast, Bridgette Raes posted a great article on Men In Tights on her blogsite, "BRSG". I will say, as to the double standard she refers to, I’ve often said that it actually betrays a certain residual bias against women that remains in our society even to this day–even among women themselves. Despite the ostensible equality with which women and men are viewed today, you have to ask yourself why there is such a noticeable difference between the way people view it when a member of one sex strays into the fashion territory of the other?
Bridgette noted that a woman can wear clothing ranging from the ultra feminine to jeans, t-shirts, boots and a short haircut and hardly anyone even takes note. Maybe she is even praised as being: strong, “a real go-getter”, or other positive adjectives. But if a man wears even one article of clothing that has typically been associated with women, not only do other men get worked up over it, but women may give him even more flack over it. His manhood might be called into question regardless of how strong and virile an example of masculinity he may otherwise be.
You have to ask yourself if this doesn’t reveal some sort of latent bias against the female? Is it because a woman who co-opts a certain fashion item from men is seen as elevating herself? (BTW, not too many of us are old enough to remember the days when women wearing pants was considered scandalous). If so, by contrast a man adopting anything with a feminine connotation is considered to be ‘lowering’ himself to the level of the less worthy sex and needs to be resisted so as to not betray his manhood.
Of course, when we try to come to terms with all of this, we hope we can be advanced enough in our view on the inherent dignity, and equality, of both men and women that we don’t behave this way. Some–many–men are wearing mantyhose for very legitimate reasons and knee jerk reactions against it have to be examined for what they really reveal about the people making them. Are they unknowingly acknowledging they don’t really view men and women as being equal in dignity? Let’s hope your blog and radio program can help us move beyond that toward true equality. Thank you, Bridgette.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
A Couple of Regular Guys Talk Mantyhose with BridgetteRaes | Blog Talk Radio
Fashion that Makes You Go, "Hmm?" by BridgetteRaes | Blog Talk Radio, June 15
Wow. I have to give great applause to Kevin Wright and Rob Stephenson, who were guests on Bridgette Raes' radio show ("Fashion That Makes You Go, 'Hmm' ") yesterday. You guys were FANTASTIC spokesmen for the mantyhose, and Bridgette was great in providing such an open-minded forum for presenting the true aspects of it that rarely makes it into the public discourse.
While we've all watched with interest as the Emilio Cavallini unisex tights making a big splash back in March. Yet despite the benefit of the big publicity surge, most guys who are wearing mantyhose were left a little cold by the bold black & white patterns (skulls, etc.) Some may go for that look, but it's far from representative of most guys' legwear styles.
On the other hand, Rob and Kevin provide the 'regular guy' perspective that most any average guy could at least listen to and possibly relate to. Rob's a phone company worker by day and heavy metal band member and DJ at other times. Kevin is a family man who has been wearing legwear very openly for years and has become a much more vocal advocate lately--as has Rob. (Thanks guys, I can ALWAYS use the help)
As it happened, Kevin was trying to contact me when she was setting up the show--especially since a segment with Chan Kraemer of eMANcipate had fallen through. Unfortunately, I was on vacation with my family in North Carolina and more or less out of touch with the outside world. They were looking to have me be a guest on the show, but it just wasn't to be. No matter, because these guys were great representatives for all the rest of the guys out there who wish there were more understanding among the media and public perceptions.
It was very refreshing to hear Bridgette, a well-known fashion and radio personality, speak to the double standard that has long existed with respect to what women can wear versus what men can wear.
Make sure to listen to the interview. It can be accessed here:
Again, great job guys!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Be sure to catch Bridgette Raes on Fashion that Makes You Go, "Hmm?" She'll be talking Mantyhose on Friday's radio show
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Men Don’t Need Compression Stockings and Support Hose or Do They? | Compression Stockings & More
Reprinted from: Compression Stockings and More
Why Don’t Men Need Compression Stockings?
By Gregory
Because Guy’s legs…
■ Don’t get tired or achy from standing or sitting for long periods of time
■ Don’t swell (edema)
■ Don’t get varicose veins or spider veins
■ Don’t have any risk of deep vein thrombosis (blood clots)
■ Don’t have any risk of venous issues
■ Don’t get circulation problems in the veins
This all sounds pretty silly doesn’t it? Nevertheless... it is of course all not true. Wouldn’t it be awesome if this was actually all true and we could always be a beacon of health and have strength like Superman?
Unfortunately for many of us things don’t go that way. Men and women alike may have to deal with some or all of the above stated conditions and discomforts at some time of their life. It is also pretty clear that the longer one ignores seemingly minor symptoms like achiness, tiredness, mild swelling or smaller varicose veins the worse things may become as time marches on.
Many men try to be real “Macho” when they get an ache or pain and just suck it up. However, with some things just sucking it up or dealing with it may not be the best course of action. When it comes to venous issues preventative care and treatment measures for more minor symptoms and conditions could really make a difference. Taking action early on could prevent more serious and agonizing problems that may likely occur down the road if things are left unattended.
The point I am trying to get to here is that men can benefit from wearing compression and support hosiery just as much as women. Men definitely need to pay attention to their leg health too. We only get one pair and they have to last us a life time. Most of us make sure our cars get regular care and maintenance but many men tend to neglect caring for their legs and in particular their leg veins.
Before you think about shopping for compression stockings or support pantyhose you do need to discuss your symptoms with your physician. He will also be able to help you determine which level of graduated compression or support hosiery you will need. Before you can purchase compression hosiery you will have to accurately measure your legs for proper sizing and fit of your compression stockings.
For additional information please also read our posts…
Can Real Men Wear Compression Stockings?
NYLON GENE NOTE: I really enjoyed the author's little bit of facetiousness in pointing out the inconsistencies in we men's outlook on wearing something that could have such a huge beneficial impact on our health.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Is Spanx Considering a Line of Mantyhose?
“I never say never,” she said. “Men are starting to become more and more vocal about what they need. We’ve been getting calls from stylists who tell us that A-list actors and top musicians are squeezing into our Spanx bodysuits for women for movies and music videos. And women are telling us to please do something for their husbands and boyfriends, who are squeezing into large and extra-large women’s sizes.” [emphasis: Nylon Gene]Hmmm... Ms. Blakely may be beginning to see the light. If those callers are 'squeezing themselves' into those women's articles for the practical benefits they offer, how long before she ascertains there is money to be made by offering what they need, only in products made for men. She's a smart lady--if Emilio Cavallini can make money selling (2-3% of their $million annual sales) with an admittedly hard sell of boldly patterned tights for men, how much more so could Spanx capitalize on the market for men in need of support for tired achy legs, or to squeeze those few extra inches off their midsection? They already have quite a few offerings for men already (ManSpanx/Manx). Have you contacted Spanx to let them know how Nylon Gene readers feel about this? It could be interesting to see where it leads...
Thursday, March 8, 2012
A Flood of Media Attention for Mantyhose
My Google Alerts email notices have been going haywire sending notifications of all the stories popping up this week with the keywords, 'mantyhose' or similar tags. I've shared a list of them below so you can go check them out. Every one of these appeared within the space of 2 days. Contribute some good comments and let them know you're out here.
Get Your Mantyhose On - WWD (Women's Wear Daily)
NOTE: This article (which appears to be the first to break the 'mantyhose' story) is only available to subscribers ($129/year), and you can only see the first few lines of the article.
Pantyhose for Dudes Are Actually Selling Quite Well - Business Insider
Men In Tights: What Do You Think of the Mantyhose Trend? - Style Caster [reported here at The Nylon Gene]
Men's Pantyhose is a Hot Trend Now? Really? -
Man-Tights: An Expanding Movement - Discovery News (Discovery Channel)
Mantyhose Has Got Legs! Men Are Snapping Up Tights, Italian Designer Emilio Cavallini Says - NY Daily News
Introducing Mantyhose. Yes Mantyhose - TIME NewsFeed
'Mantyhose' Is Happening! - The Cut: NY Magazine
Mantyhose - Are Men Really Ready to Wear Tights? - The Week (Lifestyle Section)
Panic in the Streets! Tights for Men Are Gaining Popularity - The Gloss
'Brosiery' and 'Mantyhose' Take Off as Men Seek Warmth, Comfort... and 'Fashion Statement' of Patterned Tights - Daily Mail (UK) [apologies for the long-winded headline]
Hose for Bros: Five Names for the New Mantyhose Trend -
Real Men Shall Wear Tights and They Shall Call Them 'Mantyhose' - The Stir (
Mantyhose, Guylons, Brosiery: Men, Ready to Don Tights? -
Click-Worthy: Men Wearing Tights (or Mantyhose) Is a Thing - Divine
2012 Apocalypse Confirmed as Male Patterned Tights Go on Sale - Joe.IE (ManStuff)
Mantyhose Are a Thing - (Fashion News Roundup)
Mantyhose: Tights for Men and Women - WDIV Detroit TV
Designer: Mantyhose--Pantyhose for Men a Fashionable Force To Be Reckoned With - ABC News
Keep your eyes open. There's sure to be more where this came from...
UPDATE: (Mar. 8) They just keep rolling in. Here are 11 more pieces that've run since I first posted this...
Would You Wear Mantyhose? - CBC News (Canada)
New Fashion Style: Men Wearing 'Mantyhose' - Opposing
Mantyhose May Be the Latest Trend for Men - ABC30-TV, Fresno CA
Men in Mantyhose? Male Celebs We Could See Joining the Trend -
The Best Guests Come Bearing Gifts: Mantyhose, for Bros Looking for Hose - Guest of a
Pantyhose for Men, Mantyhose, Emerging Fashion Trend - WPTV/ABC-TV5
Mantyhose: The Surging Popularity of Tights for Men - Digital Journal (NOTE: Features a pic of 'yours truly')
Will American Men Wear Mantyhose? - WXYZ/ABC-TV (Detroit)
Pantyhose for Men?! Seriously? -
Fellas: Are You Man Enough for Mantyhose? -
Is America Ready for This Trend? Introducing 'Mantyhose' - KSEE-TV (ABC)
Hose Over Bros - The Soup (E Online)
[New for March 9th]:
Mantyhose for Sale: Men In Tights Might Just Be Fashion's Next Big Thing - International Business Times
Mantyhose Sweeping The Nation, Hosiery Manufacturers Report - Inquisitr
"Mantyhose": Pantyhose for Men -
Mantyhose: High Fashion or Just Another Fad? - Christian Post
Mantyhose: Will Men Really Wear Tights, or 'Hose for Bros?' -
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Men In Tights: What Do You Think Of The Mantyhose Trend? on StyleCaster
Recent Mantyhose Publicity
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Five Great Celebrity Endorsements -
Five Great Celebrity Endorsements -
After all these years, Joe Namath's famous pantyhose commercial still holds sway. Among the five shown here, it definitely gets my vote for favorite by paving the way for the mantyhose trend. Broadway Joe probably predated ActivSkin by more than 20 years, I think. Then again, it's not hard to top the Richard Simmons and Johnny Rotten ads, and that Hulk Hogan one for Bigelow air conditioners is just plain odd. Follow the link to see the article and vote for your favorite...
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Compression Tights--How Compression Clothing Can Help Athletic Performance
Compression Tights--How Compression Clothing Can Help Athletic Performance
As for the photo, I took it with the help of my wife (who snapped the photo of me as I was running), and modified it with PhotoShop to give the impression of movement with the blurring. It is one of my more favorite ones I did while still actively employed by ActivSkin, and I don't mind it being used elsewhere. As for the legwear, I was wearing ActivSkin A677s in black. These are full-compression, sheer hosiery with a fly opening in the front. They're very comfortable and provide good leg support.
BTW, the article linked above is a good one also. Alexis Mabury pretty much nails the reasons/benefits of compression tights for runners, cyclists, etc. She also includes references to scientific studies to lend credence to the discussion. Make sure to check it out...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Venous Disease Called Silent Killer | ScrippsNews
Venous Disease Called Silent Killer | ScrippsNews
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Spanx For Men: Mantyhose Comparison
The 9tailors article begs the question: If ManSpanx are such a great thing, why would full-length tights or hose for men be so very bad? Let's compare the two.

Probably the most significant difference between ManSpanx and mantyhose is whether they have feet in them. Obviously, ManSpanx do not. For some reason, this seems to be the biggest sticking point many people have with male legwear. It can be nearly indistinguishable at a distance from women's footless tights--but if they have feet in them, some have difficulty getting past this. For those who would draw an absolute line in the sand at wearing any sort of footed legwear, there are quite a few styles of mantyhose offered by ActivSkin, et al, that are footless. In addition, an overlooked benefit of footed hosiery is that it can make socks unneccessary, which also helps avoid feeling too hot. If footed legwear is worn with socks in cold weather or workplaces, they can provide supplemental warmth beyond what socks alone provide.
Another difference is that some forms of hose for men are sheer, like the pantyhose with which many are familiar. Yet, before rejecting sheer legwear for men out of hand, consider this. Sheer fabric is much lighter weight, and therefore cooler, than the material ManSpanx--or runner's tight--are made from. If you wear them under your pants, you'll be less likely to feel overheated throughout your day. Some of the 'early adopters' have already come to the realization that they can also be worn with shorts in settings where short pants are appropriate. The vast majority of people don't even notice sheer hosiery worn with shorts if a skintone-matching color is worn. For the time being--until more men gain enough confidence that societal perceptions have changed greatly--those wearing mantyhose with shorts remain in the minority.
So, I welcome the proliferation of Spanx For Men. I hope it will further the continual evolution of the public mindset, and cause that segment that is still ignorant of the realities surrounding the men's legwear trend to further educate themselves and therefore open their minds just a bit more. This will result in fewer being quick to reject this emerging phenomenon.
As I say in the tagline for The Nylon Gene: we continue to, "change hearts & minds: from pantyhose... to mantyhose."
Sunday, February 27, 2011
College Skiers in Pantyhose
Recently, a member of the Legwear As Unisex Fashion (LAUF) forum posted the following:
I am a charter bus driver in the Chicago area and have been wearing support hose for awhile, with the encouragement of my doctor. Yesterday I drove on a trip to a ski resort in Wisconsin for a group of college student from a major Big Ten school. Many of the students had never skied before and knew little about how to dress for the cold. However, some must have had some 'insider' tips for beating the chill.As we continue to point out here on The Nylon Gene, things continue to improve when it comes to society's views on men wearing pantyhose.
When we arrived at the ski resort, the kids began getting dressed in their gear. Several of the guys pulled out packages of pantyhose and began to put them on. Some were with girlfriends and some were not. One girl even helped one of the guys by telling him how to put them on. One guy's girlfriend commented how wished her legs looked as good in pantyhose as his.
In all, there were seven or eight guys who wore pantyhose as a base layer for warmth, yet it was as if it was second nature to everyone concerned. None of the other skiers had anything negative to say, and even the jocks in the back of the bus had no disparaging remarks.
When they finished sking for the day at least two of the guys made comments about how warm they were and noted that, "from now on, the hell with long underwear. It's pantyhose for me."
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Stars & Stripes | Can Nylon Stockings Prevent Blisters on Marches? - Military Use for Pantyhose
![]() |
Soldier being treated by medic for blisters |
The article's author readily admits his days of long marches are well past, so he can't speak with firsthand authority on this. So he consulted Army Lt. Colonel Christopher Garver, among others, to see how widespread wearing of nylon hosiery is in the military, and whether it works.
Col. Garver, a 10-year infantry veteran, reported “There were guys I know who wore nylons because it worked for their feet.” Currently serving as a spokesman for the Army, he notes that some wear pantyhose and others wear specialized socks that also wick away sweat. The choice depends primarily on individual preference.
Dr. Stephen Pribut, a podiatrist in Washington DC, recommends the socks over pantyhose because the Coolmax socks can keep the moisture away from the feet--which can also contribute to blisters. Of course, in hot climates, pantyhose are going to be cooler than socks.
Pribut stressed that servicemembers should use whatever solution works best for them. “If someone has successfully used pantyhose, it's OK with me. The main thing is it's really important to go with what’s worked well in the past.”
The takeaway from the article is that if wearing pantyhose under socks keeps soldier's blister free, the author says to 'go for it.' He suggests we call them "Freedom Stockings."
Of course, they may not be aware there are options available that are more specifically designed for men than off-the-shelf pantyhose. ActivSkin has long been a supporter of the military, and tries to offer discounts to servicemen and their families sending care packages to them. If you have a male member of the military stationed overseas, consider sending them a pair of ActivSkin to try out. When a father living in my neighborhood shipped out to Iraq last year, I donated two pair of A677s and they seemed to be well received.
An additional item of note: the value of nylon legwear to soldiers on long marches is directly transferable to outdoorsmen as well. A hunter or camper hiking over rough terrain into a distant campsite or deer stand can benefit in the same way. Not only will pantyhose protect from blisters while hiking, they are also effective at keeping ticks off the lower body, and horseback riders report beneficial effects at avoiding or minimizing saddle sores, as well.
So, the rumors are true. Some of our military men have been wearing pantyhose, and they're seeing benefits from it. If you are one who thinks pantyhose equals feminine, I wouldn't recommend saying it out loud to the next Marine you meet... at least until you make sure his M16 is unloaded.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Twitter User Walks (more than) A Mile in Pantyhose As Challenge to Women
One of the fascinating aspects of this story is that Mr. Opinionated--the pseudonym used on @stuckinhose's Twitter account--did not take on this mission out of a desire to promulgate the male legwear trend, with which faithful Nylon Gene readers have long been well-acquainted. According to Twitter conversations with him, this arose not from a desire to wear hosiery, but instead to encourage more women to do so. He wanted to prove that their complaints about the discomforts and annoyances of pantyhose are a gross exaggeration.
Over the course of time since he began wearing pantyhose to work, Mr. Opionated began tweeting his thoughts on pantyhose to anyone willing to engage in debate with him. As of this writing, he's posted more than 5,200 tweets. They run the gamut from curious coworkers to far-off strangers who've heard of his situation and are curious to learn more about him or his motivations. He has sent 140-character missives to many a female celebrity to compliment them on their choice of legwear, or chastize those who swear by the bare-legged hose-haters party platform.
That's how he came to Kelly Ripa's attention this month. StuckInHose had been critiquing her tendency toward opaque tights--which he considered 'childlike'--rather than opting for more elegant sheer hosiery. He believes women in professional settings should wear sheer hosiery, because there is no question that it improves the look of their legs, and going bare-legged is unprofessional. In her Feb. 17 Fashion Finder video blog, Kelly takes pains to point out she's wearing, "hosiery... HOSIERY--not tights" as she previews the day's outfit backstage. Then, while sharing the story with viewers, she blew a kiss to StuckInHose. He posted later that he would've never expected to have been mentioned on air, much less have Kelly blow him a kiss.
Since then, his Twitter followers have grown by leaps and bounds, from a handful of insiders to about 250 in less than a week. His profile reads, "I have been challenged by a female friend to wear hose to work under my pants..looking for females who want to help/have ideas/find it funny/etc."
As I've not had the opportunity to interview him directly and get more details, my observations are based on recent Twitter correspondence and review of his public Twitter timeline of previous conversations with other followers, as well as the spate of recent news items that have popped up. It appears the original agreement between Mr. Opionated and a female coworker dates back at least to September 2010. He agreed to wear pantyhose under his trousers each day to work for 90 days, ostensibly to prove that they're not nearly as bad as women make them sound.
Assuming a 5-day work week (18 weeks), StuckInHose would've ended his 'nylon captivity' sometime around New Year's Day. Yet here it is almost March, and he's still going strong--even going out to buy a $50 pair of Wolford hosiery in recognition of the brand Kelly wore the day she introduced his saga to her national TV audience. It seems that there have been quite a few 'side bets', etc. that have added the occasional 5 extra days here and there (Geez, I hate it when that happens), which is why he's still got at least quite a few days to go before being 'set free' from being a 'hostage to hosiery'.
While Mr. Opinionated insists he has no interest in the men's legwear trend, it's hard to avoid a couple of questions that spring to mind with respect to this story. First, for a guy who isn't at all interested in the idea of men wearing pantyhose, or 'mantyhose', he seems to have taken on this 'chore' of demonstrating the hollowness of female complaints against hosiery with little resistance.
Add this to how readily he was required to add days and weeks to his original 90-day ordeal, and the picture that emerges hearkens back to that old Shakespeare line, "Methinks he dost protest too much."
This should not be taken as criticism, though. If anyone should appreciate how wearing of hosiery out of necessity for any length of time tends to cause one to discover a whole range of beneficial aspects, it would be me. It was only after wearing support-style hosiery at a doctor's suggestion for relief from poor leg circulation that I discovered how several secondary benefits and how energized they make ones legs feel.
Although he could be reluctant to admit it, for fear of the reaction of friends or family, Mr. Opinionated shouldn't fear the public fallout were he to acknowledge that he's learned to like the idea of wearing pantyhose during the past six months. He would be among the very good company of thousands of 'regular guys' across the country who have made the same discovery. Secondly, even if he truly remains fully committed only to promoting more frequent wearing of pantyhose by women, his exploits and the publicity surrounding it have the unavoidable consequence of furthering the public acceptance of sheer legwear as a male, or more properly a unisex, garment. Each time a man who is by all appearances an otherwise average, ordinary guy--lacking effeminate or 'odd' personality traits--comes into the public eye while unapologetically wearing tights or pantyhose, it continues the erosion of those outdated misconceptions once held in the public perception. That was the idea behind my work in developing this blog, and previous work as a public spokesman in support of this emerging trend.
Consequently, the old notions associating men and nylon legwear with sexual deviations, etc. have all but disappeared. I can't tell you how many people who have noticed my hosiery have commented that they assumed I must be wearing them for medical reasons, etc. That seems to have become the new default assumption when it comes to a man wearing pantyhose.
I wish Mr. Opinionated luck with the remainder of his time "stuck in hose." It will be interesting to see whether he ever reaches the end of his 90 days.